Alright, had some time to think over night about what I posted last night. Overall, a bit of an overaction, however I still hold parts of that statement( the whole not being good enough at art part). I'm still going to do art, but not take it seriously anymore. Sure, I'm going to do it for own sake as a distraction from work and other life things, but I'm not going to post any artwork at all. I went through this same thought earlier last year and parts of this year and honestly what helped me the most is not posting my art anywhere on social media. I know sharing art is key to improvement, however I've become ok with not improving at art. Art at this point is something I do to just relax and make stupid ideas I have, and the stress of constantly needing to improve doesn't help with that nor my own mental well being. I appreciate the kind words and advice, but I feel like this decision is something I'm happy with. Now I can feel like I can focus on finding a career outside of art and enjoying my other hobbies like video games and anime.
Oh, well... whatever it makes you feel better... I suppose it is the right thing to do (with some basic exceptions, obviously)